Recently the Department of Education and Science, Lviv Regional State Administration, and Lviv Polytechnic National University have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Peace Silk Road Cultural Development Co., Ltd. on support and development of joint research activities and promotion of educational proposals of higher educational institutions of the Lviv region for Chinese students and researchers.
Ukraine’s integration into the European space requires the development of new areas of work with gifted youth, and in particular the intensification of its research activities. That is why the development of research and the promotion of universities of the Lviv region in China will be a priority in the cooperation development and will primarily promote its implementation.
The parties intend to facilitate the exchange of specialists for trainings, research, seminars and consultations, as well as to participate in exhibitions and international events.
– It is a great honour for us to have such a foreign partner. Lviv Polytechnic cooperates with different institutions and different countries, to have a partner in China is a great prospect. I am convinced that cooperation with Chinese partners is a quality scientific product. We have the opportunity to create joint research teams that will implement various projects. Students are now extremely creative, and the combination of different worldviews will give impetus to the economic development of both regions. With the help of intelligence, we are creating a path from China through Ukraine to Europe, – said Nazar Podolchak, Director of Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Peace Silk Road Cultural Development Co., Ltd. is one of the largest agencies working in the field of recruitment and scientific cooperation between China and foreign partners.