There was held the V Scientific and Technical Conference on metrology Technical Use of Measurement 2019, organized by the Academy of Metrology of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic, Kyiv Polytechnic and the Scientific-Research Institute for Metrology of Measurement and Control Systems («Systema»).
80 participants from universities and institutions of Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Kharkiv as well as from Opole University of Technology (Poland) attended the event. During the four-day sessions, there were presented about 30 plenary and poster presentations. Their topics covered technical support of measurements in industry during product development and exploitation to ensure the quality and competitiveness of products.
Metrology scientists discussed the theory and practice of measurement and testing, the application of measuring information technologies in industry, methods and means of control and diagnostics, metrological support of measurement and testing, qualimetry, automation and devices.
It is planned that the next conference on metrology will be international and specialists from different countries will take part in it.