For the fourth year the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education of Lviv Polytechnic National University holds a joint Ukraine-Norway project on retraining and social adaptation of military officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine and other security structures and their family members. During this time, almost 300 people have been trained the second profession, and most of them found a new interesting job or set up their own business. This provided them with decent living conditions and confidence in the future.
The project is coordinated by the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, which aims to rally people who went through the hell of a war and to give them a second breath of life.
For over fifteen years now, the Kingdom of Norway has been helping Ukrainian servicemen adjust to civilian life after being deployed in the military. Such retraining of former military officers in Ukraine is carried out by several higher education institutions, one of which is Lviv Polytechnic that joined the project in 2014. This problem has become particularly urgent in recent times, taking into account the fact that today there are more than 5,000 military officers in Lviv.
Tetiana Shapovalova, the board member of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, the director of the Ukraine – Norway project in Lviv Polytechnic, Volodymyr Rubtsov, the President of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, Roman Korzh, the Vice-Rector on Scientific and Pedagogical work of Lviv Polytechnic, Viktor Yaskov, the Director of the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education and others congratulated this year’s students with the beginning of the autumn term. Lieutenant Colonel Serhii Tenytskyi, the participant of the Ukraine – Norway project, delivered a speech.
The meeting also attended the representatives of employers – Andrii Skoropad, the head and founder of Perfectial and Anatolii Pylypchuk, the director of OnApp software development, and the head of SoftServe IT Academy, Andrii Pereimybida, welcomed everybody online. Konstantyn Levchenko and Serhii Dvorianinov, the representatives of the community organization New Society of Ukraine also attended the event.
Photos by Yosyp Marukhniak