For quite a long time, Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, Associate Professor at the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, the Institute of Architecture and Design (IARD), Lviv Polytechnic, has been actively working to draw attention to the issue of research, preservation and use of fortification heritage in Ukraine. This is especially relevant today, when lots of precious architectural objects are wiped off the face of the earth by enemy shelling.
On the initiative of Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, after her participation in a conference in Sibenik, Croatia, Lviv Polytechnic and Lviv National Art Gallery signed a cooperation agreement with the organization FORTE CULTURA, which together with EFFORTS are engaged in research, preservation and modern use of fortification heritage.
After a meeting with the secretary general of EFFORTS at Lviv Polytechnic, which became a powerful step in the cooperation development between our university and this organization, Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska took part in the international congress organized by EFFORTS in Maastricht, Netherlands.
– Participation in such events gives us clear understanding that the issue of fortifications is relevant all over the world. The issue of preservation and revitalization of defense structures is extremely acute today in Ukraine as well. It is gratifying that finally the attention was paid to this area at the administrative level and they are beginning to understand that it is a significant aspect of heritage and must be preserved and adequately used, – said Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska.
Associate Professor added that the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals and the Department of Architecture and Conservation have high-level specialists who research this topic at Lviv Polytechnic.