Participants of the Afid Project Took Part in the Workshop “Collaborative Courses: A Low Hanging Fruit and an Administrative Challenge”

Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship
Учасники проєкту AFID взяли участь у воркшопі «Спільні курси: шляхи розробки та імплементації»

On August 28, teachers of universities participating in the AFID project took part in the workshop "Collaborative courses: A low-hanging fruit and an administrative challenge" The purpose of this workshop was to inform the participants with possible ways of developing and delivering collaborative courses. The trainer for the workshop was Karin Knutsson, head for the Project Support group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, International Relations Office.

During the workshop, the participants got acquainted with the best practices and tools for designing and delivering collaborative courses, features, and challenges that may academic staff face with. At the same time, special attention was paid to the creation of collaborative courses that would be as useful and convenient for students as possible. During the workshop, the participants exchanged ideas on a possible partnership for the design and delivery of pilot collaborative courses within the frame of the AFID project.