Polytechnicians, who participated in the double diploma programme in Germany, shared their experience.
Lviv Polytechnic and the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Neubrandenburg) have been cooperating for 12 years. The concluded agreement provides for the double diploma programme for master’s degree.
– After passing our postgraduate practice we moved to Germany for a year. Five students were sponsored by the Erasmus program, one paid for himself and was partially compensated, said Ivan Brusak, the postgraduate student of the Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy.
The study lasted a year. In the first term Polytechnicians studied additional disciplines, in the second – they wrote master’s theses.
– During the study, we showed quite solid results and the German lecturers were very contended with us. Five out of six found a job in manufacturing and research organizations in Germany, and used it for their master’s theses, said Ivan Brusak.
The study was in English, but at work students had to communicate in German. Master’s theses were written in English.
On July 24, 2018, the third annual joint German-Ukrainian session of the examination committee for the defense of master’s theses, written at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences during the double diploma programme, has already taken place. German professors William Geger, Wolfgang Kresse and others arrived in Lviv. The session also attended professors Kornylii Tretiak, Ihor Trevoho, Khrystyna Burshtynska, Volodymyr Hlotov, Anatolii Tserklevych and others, as well as postgraduate students, doctoral candidates and students of the Institute of Geodesy.
Tetiana Nasadyk, Ivan Brusak, Oleksandr Bocharov, Yaroslav Lopatin and Vladyslav Kondratiuk presented their theses in English and German. Another student from this group, Yuliia Hresko, continues to write her master’s thesis at the Scientific Center of Cosmonautics and Aeronautics in Neustrelitz (Germany), as the contract provides for one year internship.
Four theses were graded excellent, one – good. It should be noted that all works contain some researches, therefore the examination commission advised to publish the results of research in professional scientific journals of Ukraine and abroad, and also recommended all the speakers to enter postgraduate study.
For the time being, the fourth group of Polytechnic geodetic students went to study at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.