The ІІІ International Conference on New Achievements in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies 2019(АІСТ’2019) took place in Lviv Polytechnic.
120 reports were sent to the conference. Most of the participants are from Ukraine. However, there are 32 foreigners – researchers from Germany, Korea, Poland, Slovakia and Turkey.
The representatives of computer companies in Lviv and Kyiv made their speeches on the first day of the conference. Then there was a plenary session, where Ukrainian and foreign researchers presented their researches. The next day, young scientists also told about their achievements.
The theme of the conference was «Next Generation for the Internet of Things: 5G, SDN, NFV and cloud computing». There were five sections of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as the Industry Collaboration program.
Within the framework of the conference there was a summer school for computer science teachers of schools and colleges from all over Ukraine who teach Cisco technology.