Traditionally, the International Open Access Week takes place at the end of October. This global event aims to support the open science initiative.
This year’s event is marked by institutions and organizations around the world on October 19–25 under the slogan Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.
International Open Access Week is time not only for lively discussions, but also for coordinating joint efforts and concrete actions to ensure the principles of equality in access to scientific content and experimental data.
So, it is a great opportunity to rekindle new conversations, build networking between communities, engage new participants in joint design, and promote progress in creating fairer principles for scientific discovery. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s event becomes especially relevant.
The Scientific and Technical Library, Lviv Polytechnic National University, organizes a number of events within the International Open Access Week to which it invites you.
The list of events is available on the website of the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic.