Lviv Polytechnic increases the number of international students. Therefore, an online meeting was held today at the University with the participation of Lviv Polytechnic Rector Yurii Bobalo, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations Nataliia Chukhrai, as well as Rector of Samarkand State University Rustam Khalmuradov and Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Ukraine Alisher Kurmanov. During the meeting, the parties discussed areas of cooperation, identified educational levels of the framework agreement, forms of cooperation, as well as its prospects. Then a framework agreement on cooperation was signed, according to which next year students from Uzbekistan will study in Ukraine, namely at Lviv Polytechnic.
– We have currently signed more than 200 agreements with various universities and organizations in different countries and different continents. Unfortunately, no agreement has been signed with universities or institutions in Uzbekistan. So we decided to rectify this situation, and wrote a letter to the Embassy of Uzbekistan with a proposal to cooperate with us, and later received a positive response, explains the Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations Nataliia Chukhrai. The Ambassador outlined certain directions for us and noted that in fact Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions poorly cooperate with Uzbekistan. However, demand for educational services in this country is ten times higher than supply. And the higher education system in Uzbekistan, unfortunately, is not at the highest level, and yet young people want quality education. Therefore, in recent years, they have created many branches, but it is sad that there was not any in Ukraine. So it became a reason for cooperation. Samarkand State University approached us with a proposal and we gladly agreed. With Mr. Ambassador, we discussed opportunities and areas of cooperation, identified what is interesting for their market, and are currently working on agreeing plans. As a result, next academic year, Uzbek master and postgraduate students will study for one semester at Samarkand State University, and then come to study here for three semesters, said Nataliia Chukhrai, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations.
According to the signed agreement, Uzbek students will be able to choose three areas, namely: IT, geodesy and management. The agreement covers such educational levels as master’s and postgraduate studies, and the form of cooperation provides for a double degree program (1 + 3). In the future it is planned to open a branch on the basis of Samarkand State University.
– Today we have signed a framework agreement on cooperation and the next step will be the work with Directors. That is, we will organize working groups to create integrated study programs. We have lots to offer international students, so we want to increase their number in our University. Lviv Polytechnic has a huge potential, which must be developed, added Nataliia Chukhrai, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations.