The senior teacher of AFM Department, Oleh Duma and the assistant Mariia Khim, have undergone intensive training for active citizens from the British Council. They shared their impressions, prospects for Polytechnic and plans for the future.
– What are the benefits for active citizens in Polytechnic?
– A cooperation agreement has been concluded between the British Council and Lviv Polytechnic and Mariia and I present the Active Citizens Program within Polytechnic. We organize and conduct a series of trainings and facilitation sessions for all interested here in Polytechnic. To this process, we will also engage facilitators from other regions of Ukraine, possibly representatives of the Active Citizens Program. Mike Waldron, the program coordinator, also considers joining the project in our alma mater.
– What are the plans for the project development in Polytechnic?
– To participate in facilitation trainings, we will engage not only active students or young researchers, but representatives of public sector of the region as well. After participation in the trainings, we will help participants write grant applications to the British Council and receive funding for their projects up to 15,000 UAH per project. Thus the British Council promotes the development of the public sector, and Lviv Polytechnic will become a hub for strengthening the knowledge and skills of public activists. For participants it is an opportunity to become a part of the community of Active Citizens, to receive support for their projects, as well as to exchange experiences and life hacks.