The Smart Cutting Board team won the final pitch in the third season of the CIG R&D LAB program at Lviv Polytechnic, and received a grant of UAH 400,000 for the project development. Since then, its members, students of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, have shown increasing progress in developing a smart kitchen board.
It now has a backlight and an updated kitchen thermometer. The guys partially changed the design to make the product easier to use, and made some parts stronger.
Here are just some of the latest improvements of the team.
- Developed the visual part of the application.
- Developed a back-end of the website.
- Changed the design of the thermometer display, it became more convenient (now the numbers can be turned over) and it is convenient to use both right- and left-handed people.
- Ordered new displays at a factory in China.
- They made their thermometers out of polyurethane, tested the model and made it stronger.
- The right part of the board was printed and a lighting system was developed.
- Developed a printed circuit board, ordered and wrote software for the new board.
- Found parts that can be improved.
There was also a nice story with the guys: they helped people set up a few devices – and in gratitude got a place in the Ivano-Frankivsk accelerator and saved money on renting an office.
CIG R&D LAB is an educational scholarship program of Chernovetskyi Investment Group, the purpose of which is to motivate students, postgraduate students and young researchers of higher education institutions to create products, commercialize ideas and develop mechanisms for implementing innovative projects.