Recently, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations of Lviv Polytechnic Nataliia Chukhrai and Professor at the Department of Management and International Business Ihor Oleksiv paid a visit to Kingston University (Great Britain). The program of the visit included meetings with the first vice-rector, the director of Business School and its representatives, university scientists. We managed to hold several strategic negotiations to see how the university is developing in different directions – scientific, innovative, entrepreneurial, as well as to visit Startup School, Science Park, Business School and the Association that provides accreditation services to universities and business schools.
Lviv Polytechnic has been cooperating with Kingston University under the Erasmus+ program for three years. During this time, about 40 Polytechnic lecturers have visited Kingston University and 19 students were selected for semester study. Participation in the project enables our university to learn from British experience, to work on improving the quality of educational services, scientific directions and business projects.
― It all started with a small project, says Professor at the Department of Management and International Business of IEM Ihor Oleksiv, who was among the first participants, together with his colleagues – Associate Professor Viktoriia Kharchuk, assistant and student at that time Olena Uholkova.
Vice-Rector Oleh Davydchak and the Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management of IAPE, Professor Nazarii Podolchak, joined the project. This first small project provided Teaching Staff Mobility and improvement of education programs. Now there are three projects that include: bilateral mobility of scientists from two universities; mobility of our students, that is one term study at Kingston University; and internship of English students at Ukrainian enterprises.
Also for master students there is a Creative Spark project, which is supervised by Professor Podolchak. This all contributes to self-development, scientific cooperation, as well as improvement of Quality System development.
British lecturers, when coming to Polytechnic, deliver lectures not only to students, but to postgraduate students as well. One of the last ones was dedicated to modern research methods. One of their seminars was dedicated to practical advice on how to be published abroad. A few months ago, Professor of Kingston Business School held a joint seminar with our scientists and lecturers.
Today, cooperation with Kingston University is the largest Erasmus+ project not only in Lviv Polytechnic, but in Ukraine. I would like to remind you that in addition to IEM, IEMT also actively cooperates with Kingston University, in particular AMSME Department.
― On May 23, Lviv Polytechnic will held the final meeting of the project participants from Lviv Polytechnic and Kingston University. I want to invite all those interested in international study and internships, in particular students, summarizes Vice-Rector Natalia Chukhrai.