Lviv Polytechnicians presented hydrogel bandages at the International Medical Exhibition Public Health 2023

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From March 29 to 31, 2023, the specialized 31st International Medical Exhibition Public Health 2023 took place in Kyiv. This event brought together leading experts and specialists from various fields of medicine to discuss current problems and new trends in the field of health care, in particular in conditions of war.

Volodymyr Samaryk, scientific leader of the project, Professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, and Andrii Stoianovskyi, Director of the University Technology Park, took part in the exhibition to present the advanced developments of Lviv Polytechnic National University in the field of health care - AQUIOR hydrogel dressings. Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic demonstrated the entire range of hydrogel dressings and outlined the key advantages of this development compared to analogues available on the market.

Volodymyr Samaryk and Andrii Stoianovskyi also held a series of meetings regarding the possibility and expediency of using hydrogel dressings for the needs of tactical medicine, in particular regarding the equipping of military medics with them, and agreed on the directions of business partnership with market participants in health care services.