On September 19, the third session of the Unified entrance exam in a foreign language for the master’s program will take place for those who could not have taken or want to retake the exam. Registration for the exam has begun today and will last until August 25.
Applications for registration must be submitted online – to the official e-mail address of the admissions committee, specified in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education and on the website of the higher education institution, or using another, defined by the university, communication channel.
The UEE venues will be set up in all regional centers (except Donetsk and Luhansk) and in Severodonetsk and Sloviansk.
Nota bene:
- the results of the third session of the UEE can be used only to be enrolled into a contract course;
- the exam cost is determined by the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment and is UAH 510.
More information is on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.