During the opening ceremony of the 2021/2022 academic year at the Silesian University of Technology, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa was awarded to the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, Professor Yurii Bobalo.
The Rector of Lviv Polytechnic Yurii Bobalo was awarded the honorary title, in particular, for the implementation of modern solutions to the quality policy of higher education, integration of the scientific community of Poland and Ukraine, and the development of educational and scientific cooperation between Lviv Polytechnic and the Silesian University of Technology.
Introducing Yurii Bobalo, Professor Marek Pawełczyk, Vice Rector for Science and Development, emphasized:
– Today is a special day at the Silesian University of Technology – we solemnly welcome to our community a prominent scientist, rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Yurii Bobalo. Based on the medieval traditions of Europe’s leading universities, for the 52nd time in our 77-year history, we honour a scientist and activist who has special merits in the development of science and society, and whose achievements are especially valuable for our university. I have mentioned history for a reason, as it is history that connects our universities. We remember how two years ago Rector Yurii Bobalo mentioned in this room the period when the Silesian University of Technology was established on the intellectual basis of Lviv Polytechnic. We do not forget this fact and still proudly remember the names of the first professors who came from Lviv at that time to build a strong academic center in Silesia. Today, we are proud to say that their efforts were not in vain and that the Silesian University of Technology is one of the country’s leading research universities with international recognition.
After receiving the Doctor Honoris Causa diploma from the Silesian University of Technology, Professor Yurii Bobalo delivered an inaugural speech, presenting the system of higher education in Ukraine and Lviv Polytechnic as well.
– Technological, economic and social changes that are constantly occurring in modern society require constant improvement of the education system. Creating an attractive and strong national system of higher education in Ukraine requires its reforming, modernization and integration into the international educational and scientific space, – emphasized in his speech Yurii Bobalo. – Reforming the higher education system of Ukraine goes in accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», which aim to prepare competitive human resource for high-tech and innovation development and self-realization, meeting the needs of society, labour market and the state.
In addition to representatives of the Silesian University of Technology and students, the celebration was attended by representatives of friendly universities, local government, business, educational and cultural institutions, as well as the Bishop of the Diocese of Gliwice and members of the Social Council. Representatives of local authorities and presidents of Gliwice, Katowice and Zabrze made their speeches, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in general and with Lviv Polytechnic in particular.
Photos are taken from the website of the Silesian University of Technology and from the private archive of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic.