On October 27, 2023, a public lecture by Andriy Ursta, energy market analyst at DiXi Group, was held in a mixed format for students of Lviv Polytechnic on the topic: "EU energy markets: basic principles of functioning and the impact of Russian full-scale aggression".
In his speech, Andriy Ursta focused on the content of the primary and secondary law of the European Union on ensuring the EU's energy security. Speaker paid special attention to the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) of April 18, 1951, the Treaty on European Union of February 7, 1992, the Lisbon Treaty of December 13, 2007, Directive 2009/73/EC on the rules governing the internal market in natural gas, Regulation 715/2009/EC on conditions for access to natural gas transmission networks, Directive 2019/944/EU on common rules for the internal market in electricity, Regulation 2019/943/EU on the internal market in electricity, pricing principles, independent regulators of energy markets, transparency and prevention of manipulation (Regulation 1227/2011), and protection of vulnerable consumers. The speaker also emphasized why the European Union failed to prevent the energy crisis caused by Russia's full-scale armed invasion of Ukraine, what measures Brussels has taken to mitigate its consequences, and preventive measures envisaged for the future.
At the end of the lecture, the problem of the deployment of the "third" Nord Stream (Arctic LNG 2 project), a new terminal for the export of liquefied natural gas in the Arctic, which was assisted by private engineering companies, in particular the German Linde and French Technip, in the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war, was discussed. The issue of reorientation of Ukraine's energy system to its own energy resources since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has not been ignored.
The lecture aroused considerable interest, with 179 participants registering for the event and more than 100 people attending, including students of Lviv Polytechnic National University, lecturers, and members of the EUSTS project team.
The event was held within the framework of the European Studies for Students of Technical Specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project, which is implemented with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program (activity - a series of public lectures). The project team sincerely thanks all the participants of the event and continues to work on preparing other equally interesting events on topical issues of Ukraine's European integration and cooperation with the European Union.