On April 15, 2022, within the celebration of the 30th anniversary of interstate relations between Ukraine and China, a meeting was held between representatives of Nanjing Jiangnan Silk Road Culture Communication Co. Ltd, the International Education Center in Chongqing and Professor Nazarii Podolchak, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education, Lviv Polytechnic University, Director of the University Tech StartUp School and the staff of the Institute. The Nanjing Education Agency was represented by Ethan Wang, and the International Education Center by Huang Tsi.
The purpose of the meeting was to launch a spring campaign to promote the program of Lviv Polytechnic National University in China for the next academic year under the Master’s degree (MBA) and PhD programs.
During the online event, a new representative office of Lviv Polytechnic was opened at the International Education Center in Chongqing in central China. It should focus not only on traditional student recruitment, but also on scientific interuniversity cooperation and the development of joint startups and business projects.
Chinese partners Ethan Wang and Huang Tsi expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people and a desire to further promote Ukrainian education in China. Director of the International Education Center Huang Tsi held the inauguration of the opening of the representative office of Lviv Polytechnic National University in Chongqing.