On June 6–16, 2019, Prague Quadrennial (PQ), the international theatre event which was attended by representatives from more than 200 countries of the world, was held in Prague.
Lviv Architecture School, represented by the Department of Architectural Environment Design of the Institute of Architecture at Lviv Polytechnic National University, was an active participant of the exhibition in the section «Education». Also, the AED Department presented the works of national architecture schools in the National Ukrainian Pavilion (which it created by itself).
The coordinators of the Ukrainian National Exposition were the Head of the AED Department Professor Viktor Proskuriakov and Professor Pavlo Bosyy from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Professor Proskuriakov also developed (with the participation of Polytechnic students) the design and architecture of the Ukrainian National Pavilion.
In the framework of PQ 2019, there was held a fourth transatlantic workshop on theater art, in which representatives of Lviv Polytechnics also took part. Professor V. Proskuriakov presented a report on «The results of the project workshop on the renovation of the Assembly Hall and the I academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University with the development of the theatrical function» at the plenary session PQ Talks «History, Theory and Cooperation».