On May 16, 2019, the International «Integration» Center for Professional Partnership of Lviv Polytechnic National University was visited by our colleagues from the USA: Professor Marshall Botkin from Frederick Community College (Maryland) and Hatem Akl, Vice-President for International Relations, from Ocean County College (New Jersey).
Since 2007 the Department of Sociology and Social Work of Lviv Polytechnic and the «Integration» Center have been closely collaborating with the American partners from Frederic Community College. Now, with the assistance of Professor Botkin, an acquaintance with the representative of Ocean County College and the discussion of the possibilities of partnership and cooperation took place. For the Vice-President of the College, it was interesting to hear about the experience of Polytechnicians in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Particularly relevant were the issues of rehabilitation of veterans and assistance to them in higher education.
Let us remind that the Veterans Service was established this year in Lviv Polytechnic. Actually, it was the colleagues from Frederick College Community that inspired the University to create such a service and gladly shared their experiences about the activity of such an institution.