From April 15 to May 12, 2019, Serhii Maksymovych, the junior researcher at the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education at Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, delivered a series of lectures on Quantitative Methods in Economics for students of the Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The lecturer familiarized students with the peculiarities of conducting empirical researches in economics, shared his practical experience with the application of quantitative methods of analysis and demonstrated the results of his research. Of great interest to students was the lecture on the measurement of the impact of higher education, health care and judiciary on the state of individual well-being.
In particular, the lecturer familiarized Polytechnicians with the relationship between the presidential election on March 31 and the average grade of External independent evaluation on the history of Ukraine in regions and districts, and measured the effectiveness of economic policy aimed at increasing social mobility and the impact of innovations on economic growth.
For the academics of the Department of Organizational Management, the guest conducted a scientific seminar and told about the usage of data from Ukraine and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe in researches in empirical microeconomics, examples of research quotes in this field carried out by Ukrainian researchers and published in international editions.