Roman Zinko, Associate Professor at the Department of Automotive Engineering, from the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian War makes developments for the needs of the Ukrainian Army and presents them at the annual International Exhibition in Kyiv «Arms and Security», which takes place in the International Exhibition Center, located on Brovarsky Prospekt.
The exhibition demonstrates military devices, which is produced in Ukraine and abroad – in Poland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Turkey, Latvia, USA, China, Czech Republic and Croatia. In fact, these are the developments of scientists around the world. The permanent participant of the event is Lviv Polytechnic, which this time presented three developments: an experimental sample of a portable device for measuring the ship’s magnetic field; the layout of the secret noise immunity of the command line to control the UAV: radio transmitting and receiving devices; and mobile robotic military platforms. The creator of the last ones is Roman Zinko.
– I presented crawler reconnaissance robotics, as well as a small reconnaissance robot up to 2.5 kg. In general, it is a great honor for Lviv Polytechnic to be presented at such an exhibition, said Roman.
Deputy Minister of Education Maksym Strikha together with representatives of the Ministry of Defense attended the exhibition. Of course, the military has its own requirements for technology, which well-informed scholars, including Assistant Professor Zinko, test in accordance with these requirements. After this, the devices are transferred to the East.
– Students also are willing to collaborate; they collect materials and display the elements in SolidWorks. Thus, bachelors Viacheslav Todavchych, Yurii Voichyshyn and Volodia Khoma help prepare developments for the exhibition, and master student Mykhailo Shchokin – help design their frames, emphasized Roman Zinko.