Within the framework of cooperation program between Dresden University of Technology and Lviv Polytechnic and within the framework of the Erasmus KA1 program, an effective cooperation is ongoing at the Department of Telecommunication.
In particular, there was an exchange of students and academics – Professor Mykhailo Klymash, the head of the Department of Telecommunication, and Mykola Beshlei, the assistant at the Department, delivered a series of lectures on Heterogeneity in Information Systems at Dresden University, as well as got acquainted with the structure and education system of the university and invited German lecturers to Ukraine.
Last week, at the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, students had the opportunity to attend a series of lectures on new achievements in the field of information and communications technology by Professor Andrii Luntovskyi (in Dresden Berufsakademie he teaches three types of Informatics in various fields and is responsible for preparing bachelors of Computer Science in Germany.