Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted a meeting with the delegation of the Japanese-Ukrainian Culture Association.
Everyone who visited the first event on June 5 had the opportunity to get acquainted with the members of the delegation and to hear about the existing canons in traditional Japanese dances of the Sigayama Ryuz school. They learned that Japanese consider Ukrainians to be gentle and friendly people and got to love borshch and mushroom soup. And if the delegation members impressed with their traditional Japanese clothing, the University Library staff impressed with the unique publications about Japan which are kept in the Library Collections Storage. A library worker presented these books in the Japanese language.
Quite logical was the proposal to visit the exhibition «ХειροΣοφια of Ukrainian embroidery» at Vasyl Stefanyk National Science Library in Lviv, which revealed to all guests the beauty and variety of traditional Ukrainian clothing.
Next day, the acquaintance with Japan at University Library continued. A journey into the wonderful world of Japan began with the traditional Japanese dance Nihon Buyo. Interestingly, traditional Japanese dance is not just the ability to own your body, it’s a short story that is narrated with the help of symbolic movements and the use of some objects, for example, handheld fans. By the way, they are a symbol of happiness in Japan, and in dance they are used to express joy and pleasure from life.
The acquaintance of Lviv Polytechnicians with the singer Ono Aki took place a year ago. The listeners were deeply touched by her love for Ukraine, to which she dedicated the song «Prayer for Ukraine».