Strategic Plan for the Development of Polytechnic till 2025 and the improvement of coverage of its activities on the Internet became the main topics of the meeting of the Academic Board on March 26. They also talked about University’s scientific periodical literature and future election of rector, elected a new head of the AIP Department (IJPS) and, of course, presented awards.
The first and most important topic was the presentation of the Strategic Plan for the Development of Polytechnic till 2025, which was prepared by the Acting Rector of University Yurii Bobalo. According to the strategy, the future Polytechnic will be characterized by talented graduates, high-quality teaching, academic freedom and many other indicators. So, in order to achieve this, University aims to realize five strategic goals.
Academic Board listened to a report by Vice-rector Dmytro Fedasiuk, who outlined potential ways to improve the coverage of Polytechnic’s activities on the Internet. The Academic Board decided to create a new structural unit – the Center for Communication, which will coordinate work on coverage of Polytechnic’s activities on the Internet and the positioning of University in the international educational space.
Liliia Zhuk, Head of the Research and Development Department of University, reported to the Academic Board on scientific periodical literature of Polytechnic. Nowadays, three scientific journals of Lviv Polytechnic have been enlisted to Scopus and Web of Science international scientometric databases. Another 14 scientific periodicals of technical and humanitarian directions are included to international database Index Copernicus.
In addition, the meeting participants learned about changes in the procedure for the rector’s election scheduled for June 18. By the way, Yurii Bobalo officially announced that he wants to take part in the election.