Lviv Automobile and Road College, Lviv Polytechnic National University had the opportunity to help our soldiers who are fighting on the front line. The Director of the Dobrodii Charity Foundation asked students and auto mechanics of the college to repair UAZ, Gas and Zuk cars.
For a year students majoring in «Maintenance of cars and engines» and «Operation and repair of lifting and transporting, road-building, construction, and melioration machines and equipment» under the guidance of college auto mechanics carried out repair and restoration work for these cars.
Repaired cars are already at the battlefront:
- Gazelle is in the volunteer battalion «Carpathian Sich» (then was taken by the 93rd Mechanized Brigade);
- blue UAZ – in the brigade artillery group of the 128th mountain assault brigade;
- green UAZ – in the repair company of the 1st battalion of the 93rd mechanized brigade;
- Polish Zuk – in the 54th mechanized brigade.
The College is proud that its students, as volunteers, joined in repairing cars and fulfilling the tasks set for the common goal – victory!