On 17–20 June 2024, Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted the Summer School «Cultural Heritage of the Borderlands for Sustainable Development of Local Communities». The event is one of the implementation stages of the international project of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme module «Sharing Cultural Heritage at Ukrainian-Polish Borderlands: European Dimension and Local Practices», which is being implemented by the Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage of Lviv Polytechnic during 2022–2025.
Over 40 representatives of the academic, museum, and teaching community, including those from Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv Historical Museum, Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library, Department of Culture and Tourism of the Executive Bodies of Drohobych City Council, Omelian Dvernytskyi Volodymyr-Volynskyi Historical Museum, Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sudova Vyshnia History Museum, and Lviv secondary schools, took part in the Summer School.
Over the course of four days, the participants had the opportunity to listen to different speakers, and attend lively discussions, workshops and interactive excursions on the key topics of the Summer School:
- cultural heritage of the borderland: between history and cultural memory;
- common cross-border heritage in museum exhibitions;
- promotion of common cultural heritage in the Ukrainian-Polish borderland: European dimension and local practices;
- cultural and tourist potential of the borderland.
Feedback from the Summer School participants
Olena Roman, Deputy Director of the Lviv Historical Museum:
«I am very pleased to have participated in the Summer School. The topic is relevant and requires further professional study and promotion among school and student audiences. Well-selected lecturers and thoughtful presentations. A creative working atmosphere was created. The flash and feedback techniques were successfully used, which makes it possible to understand the perception or rejection of the material, to correct it, and to strengthen some messages. I believe that we should continue to hold such events, and at the same time disseminate information about them more actively and purposefully. I will be happy to participate in the next schools, as it gives me invaluable experience, expands my circle of scientific interests and professional contacts».
Markiian Kuzii, history teacher at Olena Stepaniv Ukrainian Gymnasium in Lviv:
«I am immensely grateful to the organizers and all the Polytechnic staff who participated for such a great opportunity to be among like-minded people, experts in their field, to enjoy lectures and discussions and to gain tremendous experience, professional development and a lot of positive emotions. Please continue to organize such events to discuss topical issues. Thank you!»