Survey for former employees and students of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing on their merger to Lviv Polytechnic

Center for Quality Assurance in Education, Lviv Polytechnic
Заставка до опитування

An anonymous survey of employees and students of Lviv Polytechnic National University who previously worked/studied at the reorganised Ukrainian Academy of Printing is being conducted in the framework of the audit activities on the topic «Problems of the network of higher education institutions: to continue to maintain or reform», which are carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Accounting Chamber» and International Standards on Auditing (ISSAI).

We invite employees and students of Lviv Polytechnic National University who used to work/study at the reorganised Ukrainian Academy of Printing to take part in the survey.

The survey will run until September 12, 2024.

Information about the survey and the link to the anonymous questionnaire was provided to the heads of the structural units of the Institute of Printing and Media Technologies and representatives of the student government.