Academic ranking «Top-200 Ukraine 2020» is published: Lviv Polytechnic is in the top five

According to the YevroOsvita website
прапор України над будівлею Політехніки

The Center for International Projects «Euroeducation» in partnership with the international group of experts IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence presented the fourteenth academic ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine «Top-200 Ukraine 2020».

While compiling this year’s ranking, the experts took into account current trends in university development, summarized by the IREG 2019 Conference (Bologna, Italy, May 8–10, 2019) and the Berlin Principles, approved by the participants of the second IREG meeting (Berlin, Germany, May 18 – 20, 2006).

Basic principles of determining the rankings of Ukrainian universities

  • To ensure openness, transparency and independence of university rankings. For this purpose, only open data, shown on open web resources of independent national and international organizations and institutions, were used. The method of calculating university rankings is available to the public in order to verify the results obtained.
  • To take into account the comprehensiveness and versatility of universities. For this purpose, their work was collectively evaluated on a broader basis of indicators compared to known ranking systems. In particular, this year’s ranking of Ukrainian universities is based on ten indicators, six of which are international and four – national.



Evaluation of the type of activity


QS World University Rankings


Academic activity




Research and publishing activities




Evaluation of research achievements of universities through comparison of their Internet websites


Participation in Erasmus+ programmes of the European Union


International activities


Google Scholar Citations


Citation of research works of university researchers




Quality of presentation and popularity of HEIs on the Internet on the basis of independent webometric indicators


Results of All-Ukrainian student Olympiad competitions and competitions of research works 2018/2019 (by the sum of points)


Quality of training


Scholarships of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young researchers


Educational and research work


The number of patents received by the university researchers in 2019


Inventive activity


Weighted arithmetic mean for HEI rankings according to the number of applications submitted by entrants and the average competitive score in 2019


University’s attractiveness to entrants

  • Based on the importance of European integration processes of higher education in Ukraine, the weights of international indicators of university activities (results in world rankings, participation of universities in Erasmus+ programmes of the European Union) are set higher than the weights of national indicators.

For each higher education institution, the weighted arithmetic mean of the University Index was calculated by group of nominations. The university ranking is defined as the inverse of the University Index.

Thus, according to the results of the ranking, the top five of the fourteenth academic ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine «Top-200 Ukraine 2020» includes the following universities:

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (3.75);
  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (3.81);
  3. Sumy State University (7.89);
  4. National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (8.00);
  5. Lviv Polytechnic National University (14.46).