On 25 April 2023, an interactive event – Speaking Club "New European Trends and Professional Growth" - was successfully held within the framework of the project "European Studies for Technical Specialities at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS)" with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme. The event aroused great interest among Lviv Polytechnic students: more than 90 people took part in the event.
Representatives of the Ukrainian software development company KindGeek – Liliya Maryniak (Head of Business Development Office), Tanya Struk (Head of Human Capital Office) and Mariana Getsko (Business Development Manager), spoke to students and teachers about the most common myths surrounding IT professions (for example, IT is a good job; only boys work in IT; IT is stability; you don't need to know English to work in IT; IT is the best employer), self-development and learning (what soft skills should be developed; areas of development - reading professional literature, being in the context of the market, choosing a direction - courses and professional profiles), finding the perfect job (what should be the steps to successful recruitment; how to monitor the labour market, find your profession and choose the right training for yourself, develop your own profile and properly prepare for an interview with a potential employer, prepare a CV or resume correctly, etc.)
At the end of the interactive meeting, students had many questions for the speakers, and the most active participants received prizes from KindGeek.
The EUSTS project team expresses its gratitude to the representatives of the Ukrainian company KindGeek Liliia Maryniak, Tanya Struk and Mariana Getsko for the high-quality, mega-interesting and informative training.
More information about the EUSTS project can be found on its website as part of the Lviv Polytechnic Portal