A robotics laboratory with the equipment from Mitsubishi Electric was opened at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Lviv Polytechnic. So from now on, students will learn with the help of the most common industrial types of robots.
The laboratory is equipped with a MELFA RV-20F-Q six-axis robot, which is designed to perform various technological operations in 3D space with high accuracy; the fast four-axis SCARA robot, which is used for picking, placing and transporting products on flat surfaces; and high-speed DELTA robot (spider robot), which is used for operations of sorting, packing, and rejecting goods.
In addition, Mitsubishi Electric provided a set of all the main components for creating modern process automation systems: programmable controllers, operator panels, frequency converters, and precision drives. All these components have built-in interfaces to connect to digital networks and create integrated control systems with remote access. The company also provided appropriate software for programming all equipment.
During the opening ceremony of the laboratory, those present – Vice Rectors, Directors of Institutes, Heads of Departments, and students – had the opportunity to learn more about the long-term cooperation between the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems and Mitsubishi Electric as well as about the advantages of the newly created laboratory. Professor Yurii Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, addressed those present:
– I am happy that a company like Mitsubishi Electric is helping our University. Those present here clearly understand how important highly qualified training of students is, especially at this time, when our possibilities for updating the material and technical base of laboratories are somewhat reduced. Therefore, the companies that care about high-quality training of specialists who will work for them after graduating the University try to modernize our laboratories in different ways. At the same time, the new skills and abilities that our students will acquire are especially valuable for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. So, we can say with confidence: the opening of a modern laboratory of automation and robotics at Lviv Polytechnic is the need of the hour.
The students majoring in Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, and others will study with the help of these robots. They will develop programs for various movements and manipulations to control the robots. These skills will help them to automate technological operations at the enterprises. That is, the graduate will have the skills that will make it possible to integrate work into the control systems of the technological process or the entire production and thus achieve higher quality and efficiency of manufacture.