On August 13–27, 2023, the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management, Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic, held the International Summer School «Technological and Economical Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy» under the Erasmus+ CLIMAN project «Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention» (project code – 619119-EPP-1–2020–1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
The purpose of the School was to provide students with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of economic and technological levers of influence in the field of adaptation to climate change by learning from the experience of partner countries, in particular the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Georgia.
During the Summer School, students attended to lectures given by teachers of universities of Ukraine and partner countries, as well as took part in interesting practical classes and prepared group projects on given topics.
Students from Lviv Polytechnic National University, KROK University, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (offline) and West Ukrainian National University (online) took part in the Summer School.
The students had the opportunity to attend the following lectures:
- History of Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management (ESEM). Introductory lecture to the Summer School. The lecturer is Olena Popovych, Associate Professor at the ESEM Department, Lviv Polytechnic.
- Conflagrations in Ukraine and their impact on health and the environment. The lecturer is Valerii Mykhailenko, Professor at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
- Problems of solid waste management in Ukraine. The lecturer is Myroslav Maliovanyi, Head of the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management.
- Hydrogen and its role in a future renewable energy economy. Lecturer – Asnakech Laß-Seyoum, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
- Environmental auditing and climate management: key skills and competencies. The lecturer is Nataliia Vnukova, Head of the Department of Ecology, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.
- Stormwater modelling in urban areas: effects of urbanization and global climate change. Lecturer – Volodymyr Zhuk, Associate Professor at the Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic.
- Effects of Climate Change in Tourism. The lecturer is Uliana Tkach, Associate Professor at the West Ukrainian National University.
- ECO: Step by Step. Part 1. Lecturers – Vladyslava Polyvach and Karina Tsyryn, teachers of KROK University.
- Sustainable miytrewqnd-set in business – «cornerstone» for climate change adaptation strategy. The lecturer is Kristīne Neimane, Mg.sc.env, Turiba University, Latvia.
- Greenwashing. The lecturer is Olena Naumova, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Behavioral Economics, KROK University.
- Nature based solutions in urban environments. The lecturer is Migel Angelo Raposo Inacio, researcher at Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.
- ECO: Step by Step. Part 2. Lecturer – Vladyslava Polyvach, teacher at KROK University.