On April 16, 2021, the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs, Lviv Polytechnic National University, held the V International Symposium «EU Circular Economy: Lessons for Ukraine» within the framework of the EU educational project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 610641-EPP-1–2019–1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE «EU Competitiveness Boosting: Circular Economy» (CirclE) on the Microsoft Teams platform.
The purpose of the event was to discuss the peculiarities of the introduction of a circular economy in Ukraine using the European experience.
Thematic directions of the symposium
- A circular economy: important aspects and results for the future of Europe.
- EU circular economy strategy.
- Introduction of circular economy in Ukraine. EU support during a pandemic.
- The circular economy in the EU: implications for EU-Ukraine trade.
The organizers express their gratitude to all participants of the symposium for active work, meaningful discussion and a positive vision of change in the near future.