Recently, BEST Lviv – a local branch of the International Student Organization BEST, held EBEC engineering competitions for students of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
13 teams, each of which included 4 students of technical specialties, showed their skills in two categories – Case Study and Team Design.
The aim of Case Study is to test participants’ ability to analyze and find the most effective solutions to economic, administrative, industrial, social or marketing issues.
The participants of Team Design category tested their practical skills and ability to work in a team while creating a device, mechanism or structure that must perform the given functions necessary to solve the problem.
The winners became:
- in the Case Study category – Carpe Diem team;
- in the Team Design category – «Ми поїли» team («We have eaten»).
The teams that won the first places will take part in the national stage of engineering competitions and will have a chance to compete for the title of the best engineers in Europe.
BEST Lviv expresses its gratitude for the help to the judges, mentors and everyone who joined the project!
We would like to express our special thanks to the EBEC partner companies: