Recently, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Yurii Rashkevych paid a visit to his native alma mater – Lviv Polytechnic National University. In the Assembly Hall of the main building of the University, he met with lecturers, students and postgraduates of this education institution, and discussed a number of important and topical issues concerning the implementation of education reforms, in particular, at the Ukrainian high education institution.
In his welcome speech, Professor Yurii Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic University, said half-jokingly that it would be inappropriate to introduce the guest to the Lviv Polytechnicians, as until recently Mr. Rashkevych has worked as Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
It is known that Professor Rashkevych is a consistent supporter and moderator of the changes that are now taking place in the European educational space, as well as in the national one. The speaker stressed that, after all, they give a great chance to our students, lecturers and scholars not to stay aside the globalization processes, which at the beginning of the XXI century have covered almost all spheres of life:
As you know, 2018 is declared the year of higher education. And it means that the main priority of the reforms is the qualitative factors of education. During this time, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has adopted complex amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» – a new system of economic relations in this sphere.
– The main cross-cutting idea in the process of ensuring the quality of higher education – stressed Yurii Rashkevych – must be academic virtue.
During the meeting, the Deputy Minister also spoke about one of the cornerstones of university education and science – the autonomy of education institutions, which is an important and indispensable principle of the Bologna process, which Ukraine joined in 2005. The speaker analyzed the problems of implementing the dual education system, emphasizing that in Ukraine it will become possible only in 5 years. At the end, he answered the questions of the audience.