University News

27 Jul 2020

загальні збори Eurodoc
14:53 – Council of Young Scientists at the MES
A representative of Lviv Polytechnic was elected as a member of the new Board at the Eurodoc’s annual general meeting

Назар Савко
11:51 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
An online discussion with Nazar Savko took place within the XIII International Summer School «Step to Ukraine» by IECDR

24 Jul 2020

логотип Tech
10:45 – ЗА МАТЕРІАЛАМИ FundingBox
Open Call to support start-ups that solve remote learning and teaching challenges

First Knowledge Transfer Experiments Open Call

First Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTE) Open Call

23 Jul 2020

прапори Італії та України
17:47 – Center for Italian-Ukrainian Cooperation, Lviv Polytechnic
The University Center for Italian-Ukrainian Cooperation opens Italian language courses

Юрій Бобало
07:00 – The staff of Lviv Polytechnic
Yurii Bobalo’s life values and work principles are the key to high results of Polytechnic

21 Jul 2020

Юрій Мазурок із народним симфонічним оркестром Львівського політехнічного інституту
11:43 – Renata Samotyi, Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic and Music: musical preferences of Polytechnicians in the past

Анастасія Василик
10:20 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations held a discussion club with Anastasia Vasylyk

20 Jul 2020

православна церква
10:29 – Department of Tourism, Lviv Polytechnic
Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Italy – Ukraine discussed cooperation in the field of tourism

17 Jul 2020

онлайн-знайомство команди МІОК
13:02 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
Online meeting of Lviv Polytechnic IECDR team with South African researchers

15 Jul 2020

онлайн-зустріч Павлом Жежничем
17:40 – National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
An online meeting with Pavlo Zhezhnych at the School of Quality of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

онлайн-участь у Літній школі «Крок до України»
11:27 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
XIII International Summer School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» has started online

14 Jul 2020

слухачі курсів у рамках проєкту «Норвегія – Україна»
15:41 – According to the ArmyINFORM
Find yourself in civilian life: a graduation ceremony was held within the framework of the «Norway – Ukraine» project

дівчина демонструє дві книги
11:57 – According to the website of Lviv City Council
With the assistance of Polytechnic Resource Center, 220 unique Braille books for children were created in Lviv

10:39 – Lviv Polytechnic College of Technology
Students of Lviv Polytechnic College of Technology received a prize from the Cisco Academy

13 Jul 2020

конференція Eurodoc «Open Up Your Science!»
17:26 – Council of Young Scientists at the MES
A representative of Lviv Polytechnic will moderate one of the sessions of the Eurodoc conference «Open Up Your Science!»