University News

18 May 2020

Cypress Semiconductor
12:10 – Department of Employment and Industrial Relations
Polytechnicians are invited to take part in the Embedded Summer Project Development Program by Cypress Semiconductor

онлайн ХІІІ Міжнародну літня школа україністики «Крок до України»
10:32 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
XIII International Summer School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» by IECDR will be held online

15 May 2020

 сонячна станція на даху Хмельницького політехнічного коледжу
11:03 – Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College, Lviv Polytechnic
Solar energy at Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College: the college has installed a solar power plant

14 May 2020

вивіска Президент України
15:44 – According to the MES website
Fifteen Lviv Polytechnicians will receive academic scholarships of the President of Ukraine

12:24 – IHSS, Lviv Polytechnic
Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic took part in the international discussion on the Second World War and the Politics of Memory

маски для лікарів
11:21 – CO «Center for Sustainable Development»
Doctors of Kyiv and Kamianets-Podilskyi received protection screens from University’s StartUp School

13 May 2020

Герб Львівської політехніки

Науково-технічна бібліотека
14:08 – According to
Lviv Polytechnic Library is in the top 100 in the world according to the results of Transparent Ranking

12 May 2020

Horyzon 2020
15:23 – According to the YevroOsvita website
Lviv Polytechnic is one of the best institutions of higher education in Ukraine participating in the Horizon 2020 Program

дистанційне навчання
10:53 – According to the website of Sigma Software University
Distance education: creative solutions of students of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies

08 May 2020

Головний корпус Політехніки
08:50 – According to the Kray website
The main building of Lviv Polytechnic National University: a majestic form of great content

07 May 2020

Львівська політехніка
13:53 – Admissions Office, Lviv Polytechnic
Registration for Single Entrance Exam and the Unified Professional Entrance Examination (ZNO) for Master’s Entrants