List of Performed Works

List of performed works:

  1. Development of complex of National Standards of Ukraine and Intergovernmental Standards on measurement of flowrate and volume of liquids and gases by means of standard differential pressure devices — DSTU GOST 8.586.1,2,3,4,5: 2009 (ISO 5167-1,2,3,4:2003). The complex of standards covers the flow and quantity measurement of liquids and gases by the method of variable pressure drop with the use of constriction devices such as diaphragms, nozzles of ISA 1932, elliptical nozzles, Venturi nozzles and tubes. The complex of standards is adopted by Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
  2. Development of system for automatic control and optimization of drum ball mills loading. The system contains a quantity measuring system for ground material in a mill drum, automatic control system of defined loading efficiency of the mill, optimization system of the operation of ball tube mill to achieve its maximum performance. The system has been certified and received permission to use at the TPS.
  3. Development of system for automatic control of pressure at oil pumping station that provides higher reliability of oil pipeline operation and lower economic expenses during oil transportation. Implementation of the new system provides higher speed of response during the pressure control, reduction of number of emergency stops in the OPS and better processing of the hydrodynamic regime disturbances.
  4. Development of technique for calibration of household gas meters to reduce the systematic error caused by non-conversion of gas volume to standard conditions.
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