Quality policy of Lviv Polytechnic National University


Lviv Polytechnic National University is a higher education institution that participates in ensuring social and economic development of Ukraine through the formation of human capital, provision of high-quality educational services and implementation of innovative scientific researches in accordance with the modern needs of the economy and the requirements of the interested parties, dissemination of scientific knowledge, cultural and educational activities, preserving and continuing the best traditions of university education.


To provide high-quality multi-level teaching, training of competitive specialists, scientific and pedagogical staff, transfer of new knowledge and new technologies, development of innovative world-class products, implementation into practice the results of scientific researches, technical, technological and design developments, joining leading scientific- educational centers of the world.


  • Constant development and improvement of educational services and scientific activity;
  • systematic analysis of the requirements and expectations of all interested parties and their satisfaction with the services provided by the university;
  • Promotion of effective cooperation with all interested parties in the process of formation and implementation of educational programs and conducting scientific activities;
  • Ensuring effective and continuous improvement of the internal quality assurance system of educational activities and the quality of higher education;
  • Ensuring university staff understand policy and objectives in the quality area, as well as their role in achieving the required level of work and services, regular training and improvement of employees’ competences;
  • Internationalization of educational and scientific activity, entering international educational and scientific sphere;
  • Constant implementation of the best practices in educational and scientific activities, updating educational and scientific material and technical base;
  • Creation of favorable conditions for the development of creative cooperation between scientific and pedagogical staff and students;
  • Ensuring a transparent process of informing all interested parties about the university’s activities; implementation of self-control and self-analysis at all levels of the University’s activities.

The leadership of Lviv Polytechnic National University provides understanding and support by all employees of this Quality Policy, the importance of its effective implementation, and is fully responsible for the effective, efficient functioning of the internal quality assurance system of educational activities and the quality of higher education.

Оновлено 4 years 7 months тому