Strength of Materials Department History

The Strength of Materials Department is one of the oldest in Lviv Polytechnic National University. The strength of materials teaching as a fundamental engineering discipline began in 1871 in the Mechanic and the Theory of Soils Departments of the then Lviv Technical Academy.

The Strength of Materials laboratory was established in 1898 as a subdivision of mechanic and research station. In 1904 the Technical Mechanics Department was officially opened, and the strength of materials disciplines were taught by Maksymilian Huber (M. Huber). In 1908 M. Huber headed the Department.

Administratively the Department of the strength of materials refers to the Department of engineering and building (1944-1945), was general institute (1945-1946) and a part of different faculties: mechanic (1947-1954), engineering and building (1955-1971), mechanic and machinery construction (1992-2001), institute of engineering mechanics and transport (2001-2008) and since 2008 joined the Institute of building and environment engineering.

Among the important scientific and methodological achievements of the Department are the textbook in Strength of Materials by the professor Posatskyj S.(1963 and 1973), scientific manuals in The Theory of Elasticity by the Sc.D. Olkhovyj I., in The Fracture Mechanics by the professor Haj M., lecture notes in French in The Theory of Elasticity by the Sc.D. Bilobran B., “Short Course in The Strength of Materials” tutorial by the associate professors Olkhovyj I.M., Stasiuk B., Stankevych V., the “Applied Mechanics” tutorial by the professors Pavlysche V., Kharchenko E., Barvinskyi A. and the Sc.D. Harshnyeva Y., the “Strength of Materials” tutorial by associate professors Gurniak L., Hutsuliak Y. and Yuzkiva T.

Researches in the field of mechanics of solid deformable body, dynamics and strength of machines and structures at the Department of Strength of Materials were launched by well-known scientist M. Huber. Further detailed studies in this area are connected with works of Buzhynskyj V., Savin G., Leonova M., Afendik L., Kopejkin Y., Posatskyj S., Mocherniuk D., Haj M., who in different years headed the Department.

At present the active research work is also carried out. The Department is focused on solving problems of rational design of technical facilities. Researches are aimed at developing modern methods of parts and assemblies calculation for various conditions of power and thermal load.

Significant attention is paid to student involvement in researches through the student’s research organization clubs, participation in academic conferences and different levels competitions in Strength of Materials. The best students research works were repeatedly awarded with diplomas at the All-Union and republican competitions. Over the past five years students of the Strength of Materials science club won on All-Ukrainian competitions in the Strength of Material.

More datailed information You can find on our Electronic Encyclopedia Department page.

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