Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering Department History

The Department was found on the 28th of October, 1890. Beside Franciszek Dobrzyński, who graduated from Berlin University, had his internship in Vienna and also had been teaching Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic School in Lviv; Roman Dzieślewski, Technical Academy graduate, who had spent 2 years abroad in order to become familiar with the most authorative enterprises, was also a candidate on the post of the Head of the Department. The council of professors reached the agreement, that the best candidate was the person, familiar with electric machinery nature, than a theorist, even with the deepest university education. R. Dzieślewski also organized an excellent modern electrotechnical laboratory. Roman Dzieślewski was chosen the rector of Polytechnic School in 1901/02.

Since 1923 S.Frise’s fundamental works on electric circuit theory basics had been published. These works presented personal but original approches to solving difficult electrotechnical problems. He had a creative approach to the theory of AC electric cirtuits with the use of circuit diagrams, suggested the system of arrowing the voltage and current in the AC/DC circuits. Stanislaw Frise’s scientific life , his published works and thesis defence (in 1923) attracted attention of Lviv Polytechnic National University Senate. He was offered the post of the General Electrical Engineering Department Head at the Mechanics Faculty.

Professor, Ph.D., O. Kharkevych, electroacustician, an extremely tallented person in science, became the Head of this Department in 1946. Prof. O. Kharkevych created a research laboratory of electroacoustics. He also administered postgraduate education in this Department. He was the first person to graduate from it and successfuly defended his thesis. M. Maksymovych was the next Head of the Department, the next Lviv Polytechnic Institute Head and Ivan Franko Lviv National University Head. Prof. O. Kharkevych organized student scientific section this year.

H. Pukhov, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., a talented Thomsk Polytechnic Institute graduate, became the Head of the Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering (TGEE) Department in 1948. Prof. O. Kharkevych invited Assoc.Prof. Heorhiy Pukhov, who was the Head of the Electric Machinery(EM) Department at that time, to share the teaching of the Electrical Engineering Theoretical Basics (EETB) classes at this Department. An intensive formation of the Department was under Assoc. Prof. H. Pukhov supervision. A special attention was paid to the art of lecturing. Lecturers such as H. Pukhov, M. Maksymovych, S. Kirpatovskyi and B. Blazhkevych became the Aces of this art. The laboratories were equipped with the most advanced devices of that time and the latest educational and methodical means.

The period of 1950 — 1964 years is connected with the name of the Head of the Department, Sc.D., professor M. Maksymovych. His high personal qualities and, above all, high self-discipline ensured full implementation of all its multifaceted activities. Following Maksymovych`s appointment( in 1953) as a Head of the University, he was constantly combining his personal, fruitful work with responsible administrative work and public activities. He significantly enriched the scientific contributions of the Department, expanded the faculty preparation, particularly through the postgraduate courses. It was the time of intensive development of the Department. New lecturers joined the Department`s faculty, among them — Hryhoriy Denysenko( in future — Head of the Department of Electrical Systems, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, Head of Lviv Polytechnic Institute, Head of Kiev Polytechnic Institute).

During the period when Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. S. Kirpatovskyi(1964-1975), who took the heavy roads of war, was head of the TGEE Department, the staff kept the traditional directions of Department’s activities in educational process, scientific-methods work and in the preparation of the faculty. The Department continued traditional areas of activities, improved educational process, proceeded the scientific-methods work, supported the research work and faculty preparation when Ph.D, Assoc.Prof. O. Shehedyna(1975-1986) was the Head of the Department. During these years there were made fundamental reconstruction of basic laboratories of the Department on the basis of new universal energy-saving bench base.

In October 1986 Sc.D., Prof. V. Perkhach became the Head of the Department and worked in that position until the autumn of 1996. In 1991 V. Perkhach was the Ukrainian National Prize winner in the fields of science and technology for the scientific achievements (officially for the textbook “The Mathematical Problems of Electricity”).

In the autumn 1996, the Department was headed by Sc.D. , professor P.Stakhiv. Regarding the high weight of this Department, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 1997 entrusts holding the second (final) stage of National Ukrainian Student competition in Theoretical basis of Electrical Engineering annually. Crucial role has prof. P.Stakhiv as a member of Scientific Advisory Board of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in Electrical Engineering. The scientific research is carried out by Science School “The Simulation Analysis of Dynamic processes of Complex Electrical Circuits and Electric Engineering Systems”.

During the Department’s activity the profound progress was gained, we can find it in works of prof. S.Fryze, H.Pukhova, M.Maksymovych, B.Blazhkevych, V.Perkhach and others.

During the last years, training of highly qualified scientific specialists was really improved. It was assisted by the active cooperation of the Specialized Scientific Council in Doctorate and Master’s thesis defend in Electrical Engineering subjects, which has been headed by prof. P.Stakhiv since 1995. The total number of people who graduated from this Science School is 3 Sc.D. and 31 Ph.D.

The Department international cooperation is also developing. Within the EU “PHARE/TACIS” project is applied economic contract’s theme ’The Working out of Software shell for Training Center of Organic Energy in project ’Clean Energy’’. Also there were signed the agreements for cooperation with Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zelonohurskoyu Polytechnic Universities in Poland and University of Applied Sciences Friedberg Hessen, Germany. As a result, the Department holds joined Ukrainian and Polish seminars “Current problems of Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Science and Didactics” in 1999 and 2001 and also International seminars “Computational issues in Electric Engineering”, which were held in 2002 and 2003 by ІЕЕЕ. The Department conducted International Scientific Conference “Mathematical Simulation in Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Electricity”. The fact that the international scientific cooperation is stirred, shows that 4 members of the Department are the members of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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