Scientific and methodical activity of the department is subject to the single departmental topic «Actual research questions of the Ukrainian language and literature: theory and practice» and includes both research of theoretical issues and providing of teaching methods in all disciplines, taught by department lecturers.
Department teachers have created and published a number of scientific monographs:
- in 1999 the «Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology: Past and Presen» by associate professor G.V. Nakonechna was published;
- in 2001 associate professor I.D.Farion published a monograph «Ukrainian surnames of late XVII - early ХІХ centuries (with etymological dictionary)», in 2004 - monograph «Orthography is corset of language? Ukrainian orthography as a cultural and political choice», in 2007 - «Language is beauty and power: Social and creative role of the Ukrainian language in the XI - middle ХІХ centuries», in 2010 and 2011 - «Language norm: destruction, search, renewal»;
- In 2007 a monograph of associate professor Z.Y.Kunch «Ukrainian rhetorical terminology: Past and Present» was published.
Department staff actively participate in creation and publication of different dictionaries. The most popular of them are:
- «Dictionary of Synonyms», «Dictionary of antonyms» and «Ukrainian morphemes dictionary» by professor L.M.Polyuhy;
- «Financial Dictionary», «Finance and Economic Dictionary», «Dictionary of Economic aphoristics» and a number of special terminology dictionaries by associate professor G.L. Vozniuk as co-author;
- «Ukrainian Universal Dictionary» by associate professor Z.Y.Kunch.
Department staff actively participates in scientific conferences of different levels. Teaching staff is actively involved to international conferences on theoretical problems of Ukrainian terminology, where they are presented as speakers, scientific advisors, heads of sections and editors of scientific materials, as these traditional conferences are held at the Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Department of Ukrainian language systematically conducts its own scientific and methodical conference, where all teachers are involved. Department methodical seminar, where teachers discuss actual problems of educational work and make scientific speaches, actively operates. Department teachers develop educational materials for various popular publications, including educational and academic student weekly «Audytoriia».
Often, department teachers appear on the candidate and doctoral dissertation defences as official opponents.