If you have specific sports achievements or intend to maintain good physical shape - be sure to visit the sports complex of Lviv Polytechnic in Stryisky Park in buildings № 21 and № 22 at 14 Samchuk Street. There's a swimming pool and gyms for:
- basketball;
- volleyball;
- handball;
- football and futsal;
- tennis;
- chess;
- athletics;
- weightlifting;
- judo-sambo;
- freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling;
- sports aerobics;
- boxing;
- sports tourism;
- swimming and other sports.
There is an anti-vandal sports ground on the territory of the campus. Interest groups have been created for the most demanding athletes:
- athletic gymnastics;
- dance aerobics;
- hand-to-hand combat;
- shaping;
- karate;
- kickboxing;
- badminton;
- tennis and other sports.
You will be met by highly qualified coaches and sports halls equipped with modern equipment.
More than one generation of world-famous athletes has grown up within the walls of Lviv Polytechnic National University Sports Complex. We are waiting for the victories of new champions!