History of the Department of Administrative and Informational Law


The Department of Administrative and Informational Law of Lviv Polytechnic National University was established in February 2011 by the Order of Lviv Polytechnic National University № 22-10 of 7 February 2011. 

From 2011 to 2021, the Department was headed by Nadiia Bortnyk, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. 

Since October 2021, the acting chief of the Department has been Nataliia Lesko, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. 

Main tasks of the Department of Administrative and Informational Law are: to run academic process, follow academic plans and programs of the courses taught by the Department staff; to provide methodological support for the academic process; to conduct scientific researches in order to gain new knowledge. 

The teaching staff of the Department ensure learning process for the students of the first (Bachelor), second (Master) and third (Scientific) level of higher education. 



The academic process is conducted with involvement of modern information technologies, multimedia and other tools, using the network electronic educational and methodical complex (NEEMC) in Moodle environment via the Internet of Virtual Learning Environment of Lviv Polytechnic (VLE LP). 

The Department staff consists of 17 members, including 9 Doctors of Juridical Sciences, 8 PhDs, 8 associate professors, 4 professors, who provide teaching of the following legal disciplines:


  • Administrative law;

  • IT-law;

  • Administrative process;

  • Financial law;

  • Customs law;

  • Migration law;

  • Tax law;

  • Informational law;

  • Budget law;

  • Banking law;

  • Administrative proceedings;

  • Legal regulation of state services in Ukraine;

  • Legal regulation of informational security;

  • Legal regulation of financial activities;

  • Fiscal body activities;

  • Actual problems of administrative law and proceedings (court practice);

  • Regulation of public services and procedures;

  • Territorial jurisdiction of administrative courts in Ukraine; 

  • Hearing some categories of cases by administrative courts;

  • Problems of legal regulation of the information and communication sphere;

  • Problems of administrative proceedings in Ukraine;

  • Electronic governing in public administration.


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