Project: E-Marketing "Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency"
under the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union directed by Jean Monnet
The proposed project aims to create and provide a favorable space for training young people in EU practices and promoting excellence in teaching, research and dissemination of EU principles, values and tools. Based on the study and research of the EU best practices, students and young professionals will form a modern vision and determine the priorities of ecological, economic and social development, which are impornant in critical life-saving processes.
Our goal is to promote the best European practices using E-marketing technologies and teach the target audience the principles of conscious consumption. The acquired knowledge will allow preserving natural capital and increasing economic well-being, opening up new opportunities for greener growth and managing environmental risks using E-marketing technologies as the basis of public information and an effective promotion tool.
Project implementation period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
- Dissemination of experience and implementation of best European practices and conscious consumption programs.
- Raising awareness of the circular economy, conscious consumption, resource-efficient and clean production, and market for "green" products.
- Providing the target audience with professional knowledge about the basic principles of E-marketing as one of the effective tools of promoting conscious consumption.
- Promotion of European approaches in ensuring the integration of science, business and government.
Target audience:
- Students of Lviv Polytechnic National University of all majors, I, II and III levels of higher education;
- Pupils of junior classes of Lviv schools;
- Representatives of government, business and public organizations.
Achieving the goals is planned by performing the following tasks:
- Develop a new course "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices";
- three student scientific and technical conferences (section "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices”);
- international scientific and practical conference "Marketing and logistics in the management system" (section "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" within the framework of the conference);
- promotional events: "Eco-weekend", "Earth Day", "White Monday" every year during the implementation of the project;
- conduct a "Green School" for primary school pupils twice during the implementation of the project;
- organize and conduct educational excursions to leading companies.
Project implementation will provide new opportunities for:
- business: growing interest in the European practices implementation in the field of conscious consumption, circular economy, resource-efficient and clean production, a market for "green" products;
- students: to improve the career prospects of future graduates through the acquisition of knowledge and skills of implementing European practices in the field of E-marketing of conscious consumption and increasing their competitiveness on the labor market;
- to the authorities: to form relevant conscious thinking and consciousness, conscious behavior in all spheres of life through the legislative framework adaptation to the European one, as well as the information dissemination about the values and experience of implementing the best European practices of conscious consumption through E-marketing tools.
The project team invites everyone who is interested in promoting conscious consumption, circular economy and resource efficiency with the help of E-marketing tools to participate in the project.