Main project activities

Main activities  within the project:

  • Teaching in the first year of project implementation (1 semester) the discipline "Internet marketing" as an elective discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic";
  • Teaching in the second and third year of project implementation (2 semesters) the discipline "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" as an elective discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic";
  • International scientific and practical conference "Marketing and logistics in the management system" (work of the "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices " section within the framework of the conference) — 2024 (autumn).
  • Student scientific and technical conference — 2023, 2024, 2025 (autumn).
  • Earth Day — 2023, 2024, 2025 (spring).
  • "Green" School — 2023, 2024 (spring).
  • "Eco-weekend" (Eco-weekend) - 2023, 2024, 2025 (autumn)
  • "White Monday" (White Monday) - 2023, 2024, 2025 (autumn)
  • Excursions — 2023, 2024, 2025.

More details about the course "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education:

  • The conceptual principles of the discipline "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" work program definitely correspond to the European qualification standards of marketing and logistics specialists.

The developed and proposed course format in the form of lectures will be placed on a virtual educational platform and aimed at reaching a wide audience.

The course will consist of 3 thematic blocks, the content and the study of the methodology, which will ensure the maximum level of materials perception and easy understanding. European practices of conscious consumption will allow a detailed understanding of the applied aspect.

  • The study of the discipline "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" includes a step-by-step explanation of theoretical provisions, results, business games, evaluation of practical classes, online tests for self-control and makes the learning process easier.

The work curriculum of the discipline "E-marketing of conscious consumption: dissemination of EU practices" includes the following topics:

Block 1. E-marketing as part of integrated marketing communications

Topic 1. The essence, content, and significance of e-marketing.
Topic 2. Tools for implementing E-marketing.
Topic 3. Strategic planning of marketing communications
Topic 4. Legislation and legal support of E-marketing. Experience of EU countries.

Block 2. Features of project management and e-marketing. Tools for disseminating advertising and promotional project: "Promotion of conscious consumption."

Topic 1. The essence of conscious consumption in various spheres of life. Conscious lifestyle
Topic 2. Marketing research on the Internet. Application of E-marketing tools for marketing research of public awareness of the nature and importance of conscious consumption.
Topic 3. Definition of advertising and promotional project: goals, functions, objectives.
Topic 4. The structure of the advertising and promotional project. Surroundings and participants
Topic 5. Goal setting, planning, and budgeting of advertising and promotional project
Topic 6. The primary forms of organization of advertising and promotional project
Topic 7. Tools for monitoring the implementation of advertising and promotional project and evaluation of its effectiveness

Block 3. Dissemination of European experience "Promotion of conscious consumption."

Topic 1. Study of European programs to support conscious consumption
Topic 2. Dissemination of European practices "Promotion of conscious consumption" through e-marketing tools
Topic 3. Strategic directions of conscious consumption development in Ukraine in the context of EU integration

  • Using the possibilities of modern information technologies, which include presentations, online testing, virtual learning environment (VNS) together with traditional forms of learning
  • lectures, practical, it is possible to form interest groups to reach a wider audience, hold a scientific conference, including promotional events, open lectures, master classes that will allow to achieve the project goals.


"EARTH DAY-2023" within the project "Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency" ("E-marketing") Jean Monnet Modules Erasmus+

On April 18, the first "Earth Day-2023" event was held at the marketing and logistics department for first bachelor's level students of the of higher education. Department teachers assoc. prof. Nataliia Mashchak, assoc. prof. Taisia Nakonechna and assist. Lidiia Bolibrukh held a simulation game about the international climate negotiations "Keep Cool". Acting as mayors of the world's megacities, students learned how to build an efficient economy that would not harm the environment and prevent global warming of 2°C in 100 years. The goal of the game was not the victory of one player, but teamwork to achieve a common goal - the golden mean between economic success and environmental protection.


On April 22, teachers of marketing and logistics department assoc. prof. Nataliia Mashchak and assoc. prof. Taisia Nakonechna held a thematic lecture "The essence of conscious consumption in various spheres of life. Conscious lifestyle" for first bachelor's level students of the of higher education, which introduced the conscious consumption concept, demonstrated European trends in the conscious behavior implementation in the business-consumer relations field, and presented a list of conscious consumer habits and actions that students can start practicing in life.


On April 24 at 4 p.m. the final open online event of "Earth Day-2023" took place in the world cafe format on the Zoom platform.

The head of marketing and logistics department, Professor Yevhen Krykavskyi, gave a welcome speech, emphasized the event scale, which has been held annually by about 100 countries of the world for over 50 years, and also cited business decisions examples of well-known global companies for the environment benefit.

The event was moderated by Lidiia Bolibrukh, an assistant at the marketing and logistics department of Lviv Polytechnic University, scientific consultant and project academic coordinator. She emphasized the urgency of holding "Earth Day" events, that Ukraine is holding such an event together with the international community for the first time this year, as a confirmation of this the appearance of our event "Earth Day-2023: World Cafe" on the world map, presented the event program and experts. Invited experts Taras Humenyuk (e-marketing department director of the Perfect PR company, Lviv), Ruslana Pashko (Senior Developer of the Smart Business company, Kyiv), Maria Ruda (coordinator of the NGO "Mission of Sustainable Development", formerly "Clean City ").


First bachelor's level students of the of higher education were involved in a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of 5 relevant topics: "Circular economy", "Green business", "Conscious consumption", "Digitalization" and "E-marketing". During the discussion, valid arguments supported by facts and figures were presented, the question-and-answer session between the opponents made it possible to defend one's own vision and increase the participants' awareness of the event's theme. After the discussion, the experts determined and announced the eco-battle winners in the world cafe format based on a number of criteria (analytical and critical thinking, brevity, relevance and facts reliability, persuasiveness, activity and position defense).

As a part of "Earth Day-2023" events, first bachelor's level students of the of higher education developed "Conscious consumer guides", which were placed on Google-drive for secret voting in Google Forms for the best guide title. At the end of the event, three winners were presented.


Project team members Lidiia Bolibrukh, Taisia Nakonechna and Nataliia Mashchak express their gratitude to all participants of the Earth Day 2023 events as implementation part of the project "Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency" ("E -Marketing") Jean Monnet Modules Erasmus+.

Event video recording




Erasmus+ is a program of international cooperation between the European Union with other countries in the world in the field of education, youth and sports, which aims to support educational, professional and personal development , for the development of innovation and strengthening of European identity and active citizenship. The program supports the possibilities of educational and academic mobility in education and for youth, projects and partnerships and development of strategies and cooperation.



Project opening «Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency» (E-Marketing) Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules.

On February 28, 2023 in online format on the Google Meet platform was official opening of E-Marketing international project "Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency" directed by Jean Monnet as part of the EU Erasmus+ program, which will be implemented over the next three years in the National Lviv Polytechnic University, Marketing and Logistics Department.

Congratulatory speeches were made by:

Natalia Chukhray - scientific and pedagogical work and international relations vice-rector of the University, who noted the project topic relevance and outlined the importance of achieving the goals and project objectives;

Petro Kraynik - Jean Monnet expert of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine emphasized Jean Monnet projects peculiarities and relevance and called on all participants to unite around the common ideas’ implementation;

Yevhen Krykavskyy - Head of Marketing and Logistics Department of Lviv Polytechnic University noted the project implementation importance for department and project team members and gave arguments regarding the project relevance, especially in wartime conditions;

Nataliya Gots – Head of the International Education Center of Lviv Polytechnic National University, focused attention on the Jean Monnet community features in Lviv Polytechnic National University and called on the participants of all projects to cooperate.

The event was moderated by Lidia Bolibruch, an assistant at the Marketing and Logistics Department of Lviv Polytechnic University, scientific consultant and project academic coordinator. She presented to the participants the main project ideas and goals, target audience, and also told about activities planned within the framework of its three-year implementation. The project key goals are:

1. Experience dissemination and best European practices and conscious consumption programs implementation.

2. Raising awareness of the circular economy, conscious consumption, resource-efficient and clean production, and market for "green" products.

3. Providing the target audience with professional knowledge about the basic principles of E-marketing as one of the effective tools of promoting conscious consumption.

4. European approaches promotion in ensuring the integration of science, business and government.

The event was attended by the student community and Jean Monnet Family representatives of Lviv Polytechnic:

Vira Lubenets - "GoodPharma" project scientific consultant and academic coordinator, Head of Biologically Active Compounds Technology, Pharmacy and Biotechnology Department of Lviv Polytechnic National University;

Nataliia Haivanovych - Jean Monnet project coordinator within the EU Erasmus+ Program "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience", associate professor of the marketing and logistics department of Lviv Polytechnic University;

Ihor Kulyniak - Jean Monnet project coordinator as part of the Erasmus+ EU Program "European experience in the promotion of heritage and cultural tourism", associate professor of the Organizational Management Department of Lviv Polytechnic University.

During the event, business representatives shared their practices: Oksana Snitko - head of marketing department at "FJ Pomades" and Solidol Barbers, !FEST PR manager Taras Maselko and Maryana Kuchmenda - Internet marketer of !FEST Delivery.

Project team members Lidia Bolibrukh, Taisia Nakonechna and Nataliia Mashchak express their gratitude to all participants of the E-Marketing project official opening "Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency".

Event video recording


Erasmus+ is a program of international cooperation between the European Union with other countries in the world in the field of education, youth and sports, which aims to support educational, professional and personal development , for the development of innovation and strengthening of European identity and active citizenship. The program supports the possibilities of educational and academic mobility in education and for youth, projects and partnerships and development of strategies and cooperation.

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