Partners of the Department

Limited liability company "SiTime Ukraine", Lviv.

  • Cooperation in the field of implementation of educational programs for training specialists in the field of electronics, practice and internships for university students.

Research and production private enterprise "SPARING-VIST CENTER", Lviv.

  • Cooperation in the field of educational programs implementation for the training of specialists in the field of electronics and information technologies, improvement of the training quality of specialists and development of new educational programs in the field of electronics, practice and internships for university students.

Limited Liability Company "Renesas Electronics Corporation", Lviv.

  • Establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of development of scientific and design research, other cooperation.

Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania)

  • Cooperation in the development of organic electronics devices, in particular light-emitting diodes. Conducting joint research in the field of photonics within the framework of joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian scientific projects.

University of Rzeszow, Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (Poland)

  • Conducting joint research in the field of photonics and nanotechnologies, exchange of students and postgraduates

A subsidiary of the open joint-stock company "LVIV FACTORY OF ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS" "MICROPRILAD-07" (Lviv, Ukraine)

  • Cooperation in the field of internship of scientific and pedagogical staff and students' practice

National Medical University nm. Danylo Halytsky (Lviv, Ukraine)

  • Cooperation in the development of optical-electronic systems and devices based on them for bioinformative photomedical technologies in otorhinolaryngology, within the framework of a joint agreement on scientific cooperation

State Scientific Institution «Institute for Single Crystals» of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

  • Cooperation in research of liquid crystal materials for optoelectronic elements and devices within the framework of a joint agreement on scientific cooperation


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