Research at the Department

The main areas of scientific research are

  • Creation and study of new approaches to the implementation of the main stages of system and circuit engineering, construction and technological design of electronic and photonic devices.
  • Conducting research works on the development of organic light-emitting structures for display technologies and the latest lighting systems, as well as electronic devices based on organic and composite materials. In particular memory elements, electrochromic displays, transistor devices and electromechanical actuators with the involvement of various technological methods of forming and comprehensive study of their parameters.
  • Conducting research work on the sensors development for measuring the liquids and gases refractive index, design and manufacture of distributed feedback lasers, bandpass optical filters, substrates with gratings, in which waveguide resonance is implemented.
  • Development of technology for metal nanoparticles synthesis and research into the possibility of local heating of biological tissues.
  • Numerical modeling of electronics and photonics devices for finding optimal structures to ensure the specified parameters of such devices
  • Development of software for numerical modeling of processes in developed at NDL electronics and photonics devices, as well as implementation of marketing and innovative activities, promotion of students, post-graduate students and doctoral students trainings, solving current scientific and technical economy problems, cooperation with enterprises, higher education institutions, companies, including foreign ones.


EU projects

Research and Innovation Strategy for Lviv Polytechnic National University dedicated to White-Emitting Organic Lighting Systems HELIOS 2024-2027 (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02101155017)

HELIOS aims to elevate the scientific excellence and innovation capability of Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU) and its esteemed Twinning partners - Kauno technologijos universitetas, University of Glasgow, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, and Intelligentsia Consultants Sarl. Their research component target is the creation of white-emitting organic systems for lighting.

Heavy metal free emitters for new-generation light sources MEGA 2019-2023 (823720 — MEGA — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018)

Organic heavy metal free fluorescent materials show exceptional potential for use in new-generation light sources, such as organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) and organic lasers. It is anticipated that these new materials will enable organic electronic devices to be constructed with higher efficiency, simpler device structures, lower fabrication costs, and reduced environmental impact.

International bilateral projects

Development of highly efficient light-emitting nanostructures based on quantum wells for red and near-infrared organic light-emitting devices QUANT 2024-2025 (Ukrainian-Lithuanian bilateral project)

The project involves the development of highly efficient OLEDs based on quantum wells emitting light in the red and infrared spectral regions, as well as the study of physical features of radiative relaxation in low-dimensional 2D organic heterostructures formed on the basis of newly synthesized ambipolar emitters with organic barrier layers of commercially available wide-bandgap organic semiconductors of the type: mCP; Tm3PyP26PyB; and TmPyPB.

NATO projects

Nanocomposite Based Photonics Crystal Sensors of Biological and Chemical Agents G5351, 2018-2021 (NATO Science for Peace Multi-Year Project G5351)

The goal of the project is to develop cheap but effective photonic crystal (PC) structures formed by a periodic distribution of nanoparticles in polymer matrix for highly sensitive detection of chemical and biological agents. The volume PC structures will be fabricated using holographic method in original nanocomposites developed by authors. Project main steps are: (i) theoretical analysis and design; (ii) fabrication and characterization of label-free sensors; (iii) functionalization of PC structures with graphene nanoflakes, and (iv) testing of enhancement effects in fluorescent and Raman spectroscopy.

Ukrainian projects

Low-dimensional structures for enhancing the luminescence quantum yield in highly efficient phosphorescent light-emitting devices 2024-2026 (National Research Foundation of Ukraine, 0124U003833)

The main goal of the project is the study and development of 2D dimensional nanolayer heterostructures using organic emission materials based on new RTP emitters and plasmonic metal nanoparticles with further application in the design of highly efficient OLEDs.

Development of plasmonic nanostructured substrates for SERS signal enhancement in the detection of explosives 2024-2026 (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, DB/SERS 0124U000823)

The goal of the scientific work is to develop and optimize the morphology of SERS substrates based on nanostructures with 0D, 1D, 2D dimensions to improve selectivity and sensitivity in the detection of trotyl and other hazardous substances.

An organic device with internal photocurrent amplification for recording signals of low intensity in the near-infrared field of the spectrum 2023-2025 (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, DB/Infra 0123U101690)

The goal of the project is the implementation of the design and technological principles of the formation of a vertical organic NIR sensitive transistor structure as a promising concept of a device with internal amplification, which will have significant innovative potential in industry and defense capabilities and can be competitive on the world market of optoelectronic devices.

Nanostructured interfaces based on non-toxic materials for practical applications 2020-2022 (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, DB/Interface 0120U100675)

The aim of the scientific work is to simulate the optical response under resonant conditions, synthesize and characterization of nanostructured interfaces based on non-toxic materials and further process them by ultrafast laser pulses for application in electronics and photonics devices.

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