Educational activity of the department

The department trains students in specialities and educational programs in the fields of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences" and 07 "Management and Administration".

We prepare specialists for the national economy with appropriate knowledge, practical skills and abilities, which ensures a high level of competitiveness in the labour market and successful employment.

Competitive advantages of studying with us:

  • a favourable learning environment in which each student feels important and respected;
  • obtaining a full higher education in one of the largest and most authoritative universities in Ukraine;
  • international recognition of the diploma;
  • practical nature of training;
  • ability to work with modern software, which is one of the most common among customs brokers and foreign economic entities;
  • meetings with business representatives and well-known business coaches;
  • study tours, including in customs departments;
  • high level of professionalism of scientific and pedagogical staff;
  • possibility of continuing studies abroad;
  • innovative curricula and programs created with the participation of business;
  • high assessment of the quality of training by employers;
  • innovative technologies and teaching methods.

The department actively cooperates with profile departments of other institutions of higher education. Forms of such cooperation are the development of recommendations for improving the educational and scientific process, participation in scientific conferences, symposia, round tables, writing joint publications, discussing educational programs for bachelors and masters etc

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