Scientific activity of the department

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department actively combines teaching with scientific activity. The main forms of scientific activity are:

  • preparation of dissertations for degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science by graduate students and teachers of the department;
  • preparation of textbooks, manuals, monographs, lecture notes, scientific articles, etc.;
  • participation in all-Ukrainian and international scientific-practical conferences;
  • internship in the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries;
  • scientific cooperation with public authorities, local governments, research institutions, customs structures, customs brokerage organizations, enterprises (round tables, symposia, conferences, seminars, etc.);
  • involvement of students in scientific work, etc.

Scientific directions of the department:

  1. "Problems of management of foreign economic and customs activities of enterprises."
  2. "Problems of formation of management systems in the context of globalization".

Research themes of the department:

  • "Problems of management systems formation in the context of European integration" (supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor Melnyk O.G.) (2018-2022);
  • "Management of harmonious development of enterprises in the context of European integration" (supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor Dvulit Z.P.) (2020-2024);
  • "Development of energy supply and energy efficiency of the economy in the context of European integration" (supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor Zaverbny A.S.) (2020-2024).

Head of the Department - Doctor of Economics, Professor Melnyk O.G. is a member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (section "Economics"), the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (subcommittee on specialty 073 "Management"), and specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations at the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

A number of economic contract works were performed at the department, in particular:

  • GD №125 “Formation of the system for development of administrative and managerial competencies of foremen of Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket LLC, 2014-2015;
  • GD №421 "Optimization of the technology of foreign trade operations of LLC "Trading House "GALKA", 2016;
  • GD № 599 "Development of the system of economic diagnostics at the Subsidiary "Class-contact" of the Limited Liability Company" International Information and Consulting Group", 2017;
  • GD № 639 "Formation of the system for development of professional managerial competencies of foremen of Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket", 2017;
  • GD № 902 "Optimization of costs for formation and maintenance of inventories of LLC Research and Production Firm "Marka", 2018;
  • GD № 101 "Optimization of the technology of foreign economic operations of LLC SPE "Electric Device", 2019;
  • GD № 365 "Development of project management technology in the field of customs brokerage of LLC "FSO GROUP UA", 2020;
  • GD № 661 "Determination of a product code, according to UKT FEA, of industrial equipment, for declaring by the Private Enterprise "Brokerage Company "Avers", 2021.

In cooperation with the Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship, our department publishes the journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Stages and Problems of Development", which is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine, where dissertations for scientific degrees can be published.

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department has published many textbooks, manuals and monographs. The policy of the department is aimed at investing in the development of teachers by directing them to internships, trainings, business seminars, refresher courses, round tables, etc. Evidence of the high level of professionalism of the department’s staff are obtained grants, defended dissertations, as well as diplomas of the President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv Regional Council, Lviv Polytechnic etc.

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