The implementation of the project

During the implementation of the project «Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience» within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module program (2019-2022), the members of the project team implemented the goals of the project and carried out the following teaching, scientific work and activities.


During the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2019/2020 academic year:

  • teachers of the Department of ML - participants in the project, namely, doctor, prof. Krykavskyy Yevhen, PhD, assoc. prof. Nataliya Hayvanovych, PhD, assoc. prof. Chornopyska Nataliya, PhD, assoc. prof. Olena Pokhylchenko, PhD, assoc. prof.  Dovhun Oksana, PhD, assoc. prof.  Sofya Leonova taught the discipline "Basics of Logistics" (totaling 3 ECTS credits) for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of various specialties.
  • developed an electronic educational and methodological complex for the course at the National Academy of Sciences Moodle:
  • the ECTS Information Package was developed, as well as electronic educational platforms/environments, etc.; educational and methodical materials, scientific publications and developments used in the educational process, etc.
  • developed an updated course of lectures for the course "Basics of Logistics", presentation materials.
  • developed methodological recommendations for practical lessons from the course "Basics of Logistics", business games, cases, and didactic materials.
  • • a student scientific and technical conference was held (section "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience").

Thesis of the conference report are given below.

  • excursions to enterprises were conducted.
  • Supply Chain Day 2020 was held.
  • participation in the activities of the Erasmus+ office in Ukraine.
  • dissemination of information about the project and its main events at conferences, online meetings, on the website of NULP, on the website of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, on social networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. 


During the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2020/2021 academic year:

  • teachers of the Department of ML - participants in the project, namely, doctor, prof. Krykavskyy Yevhen, PhD, assoc. prof. Nataliya Hayvanovych, PhD, assoc. prof. Chornopyska Nataliya, PhD, assoc. prof. Olena Pokhylchenko, PhD, assoc. prof.  Dovhun Oksana, PhD, assoc. prof.  Sofya Leonova in the 1st and 2nd semesters taught the discipline "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" (totaling 3 ECTS credits) for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of various specialties.

The description of the discipline is freely available in the catalogue of educational programs on the website of the Lviv Polytechnic National University:

  • the ECTS Information Package was developed, as well as electronic educational platforms/environments, etc.; educational and methodical materials, scientific publications and developments used in the educational process.
  • developed an updated course of lectures for the course "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience", presentation materials, etc.
  • developed methodological recommendations for practical classes from the course "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience", business games, cases, didactic materials.
  • the work of the "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" Section at the 13-th International Scientific and Practical Conference "MARKETING AND LOGISTICS IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" 2020 was held.

 Thesis of the conference report are given below

  • the Student Scientific Forum "Youth Creates the Logistics of the Future" was held together with the co-organizers.
  • the 78th student scientific and technical conference was held (Section "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience").

Thesis of the conference report are given below.

  • guided tours to enterprises for students and pupils.
  • Supply Chain Day 2021 was held.
  • Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience" 2021 was held.
  • participation in the activities of the Erasmus+ office in Ukraine.
  • dissemination of information about the project and its main events at conferences, online meetings, on the website of NULP, on the website of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, on social networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. 


During the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2021/2022:

  • teachers of the Department of ML - participants in the project, namely, doctor, prof. Krykavskyy Yevhen, PhD, assoc. prof. Nataliya Hayvanovych, PhD, assoc. prof. Chornopyska Nataliya, PhD, assoc. prof. Olena Pokhylchenko, PhD, assoc. prof.  Dovhun Oksana, PhD, assoc. prof.  Sofya Leonova in the 1st and 2nd semesters taught the discipline "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" (totaling 3 ECTS credits) for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of various specialties.

The description of the discipline is available in the catalogue of educational programs on the website of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

  • the 79th student scientific and technical conference was held (Section "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience").

Thesis of the conference report are given below.

  • Supply Chain Day 2021 was held.
  • Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Spreading European Experience" 2022 was held.
  • guided tours to enterprises for students and pupils.
  • participation in the activities of the Erasmus+ office in Ukraine.
  • dissemination of information about the project and its main events at conferences, online meetings, on the website of NULP, on the website of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, on social networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. 


Each of the activities are described in detail in the section "The main activities within the project".

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